- I really am sorry
- I willl be posting a lot more now
- Pleasepleaseplease send me your ideas, questions, queries, pictures, ANYTHING so I can make this blog better.
- And if you're out there and reading this, pleasepleaseplease let me know.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
I am so so sorry!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Ethereal Mermaids and Plum
Saturday, 27 August 2011
This is just plain stupid
Monday, 20 June 2011
By the way, I am going to take the pictures of my wedding outfit today in one of my breaks!
E.m.T Headed
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Sorry and Thank you...
Also a BIG thank you to my readers! Never thought I'd be this popular. Its great to hear suggestions of blog posts and answer your questions and stuff.
So the weather is boiling hot today-seriously weird for Welsh weather! And I've started to get my summer clothes out. Unfortunately, my outfit today isn't the most original, just a tank top and shorts although I am planning on putting on a very pretty vintage sun hat with a big lacy bow when I go out for a walk later. Nice to take a break after revising. I HATE revision so much!
Also, sorry for not posting the Royal Wedding pictures. They'll also be coming up as quickly as possible!
If possible, there will also be some posts and sets about 60s fashion as a new series of The Royal is out on Sunday and its going to be getting me all nostalgic.
Thanks and Sorry again Everybody!
Friday, 29 April 2011
The Royal Wedding
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Skipping in the Street
Skipping in the Street by beth3796 featuring a leather wash bag
This is the outfit I wore when I went for a boat ride in Paris.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Parisian Street
Parisian Street by beth3796 featuring flat shoes
This is an outfit I saw a girl wearing as she sat down opposite us at a cafe on Champs Elysees. She looked great and I wish I could afford this outfit!
Parisian Fashion
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Je Vais a Paris
Do you see what I mean? I wish I was as imaginative as Mr Lacroix....
From top to bottom:Cover of book with selected pictures, society lady illustration, Princess Beauty and the Royal Palace ready for the party.
The book isn't just Sleeping Beauty though, its actually kind of his biography for children! It connects how his career was born with the classic fairy tale and at the end of the book you will find a timeline of key points in his life and career. I have to say, Christian Lacroix is my new favourite designer!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Magical Times From Long Ago
Magical Times From Long Ago by beth3796 featuring skinny fit jeans
We have light evenings now, and my parents and I spent our first one driving to a cafe by the sea where we always go. It brought me back memories of when we used to do this almost every night. That was before I started secondary school...Its important that we make time for mooments like these now! Day 16 " a song that you used to love but now hate". I chose this song because I loved ut but then we had to do a very complicated dance to it in my dance school and I could never get it right. I ended up loathing the song because I knew I couldn't dance to it like everyone else
Monday, 21 March 2011
Thank Goodness
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Where has Stylerookie Gone?
Monday, 7 March 2011
30 Day Song Challenge-Day 1
30 Day Song Challenge-Day 1 by beth3796 featuring vintage looking rings
So I thought I'd do the 30 day song challenge. Day 1 is "Your Favourite Song". Now, favourite song chops and changes so I picked what my favourite song is at the moment. I chose Your Song, Ellie Goulding. I chose it because its pretty and transports to to some blissful and calm little world....:) Plus the piano music is lovely and sweet. It makes me wish I could play piano haha! LISTEN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9AFMVMl9qE
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Exams are over...TO POLYVORE!
Monday, 21 February 2011
Toothpaste Kisses
Toothpaste Kisses by beth3796 featuring peacock feather jewelry
Cradle me
I'll cradle you
I'll win your heart
with a woop-a-woo
pulling shapes just for your eyes
so with toothpaste kisses and lines
I'll be yours and you'll be
Lay with me, I'll lay with you
we'll do the things that lovers do
put the stars in our eyes
and with heart shaped bruises
and late night kisses
I can just imagine myself walking down a street in New York, wearing this outfit with this song on my ipod.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
My Style
Friday, 18 February 2011
Carey Mulligan in An Education....
I wasn't very keen on her school uniform but I guess anyone who has to spend 5 days in one anyway wouldn't. Though the dresses she wears are elegant and beautiful. I especially love the dress with the gold flowers on it. It kind of reminds me of the curtains in my grandmother's house-in a good way of course as they have a sort of elegant, Parisian feel to them. In fact, nearly all of the dresses she wears in An Education have a bold pattern printed onto them. During the summer, bold printed dresses were very popular and available in almost every shop. To give a sixties feel to the look, try adding a beehive hairstyle or another elegant updo and key 1960s make-up.
This is also shown throughout the film. In the school scenes she doesn't wear much at all if any but she does when she is dressed elegantly. She wears red bright or deep red ipstick, lots of mascara and eyeliner (google "twiggy eye makeup"for help) but its very important not to wear to much foundation as the main make-up trend for this period in time was dark eyes. The lipstick doesn't always have to be such a bright red if you have a lighter hair colour or different complection.
I will definitely be following Carrey Mulligan as one of my new style icons!
Help from my Blog Readers!
Friday, 28 January 2011
Mad for Modcloth!
Sunday, 23 January 2011
N.E.R.D-Not Even Remotely Dorky
Monday, 17 January 2011
Odd Shoes?
Sunday, 16 January 2011
I made my snood!
1) Take an old scarf or your chosen scarf for making the snood. Mine was about 90-100 cm long and 30cm wide.
2) Lie it out on the table with the "right" side (side without the label) facing upwards towards the ceiling.
3) Fold in half. The "wrong" side (side with label) should be facing the ceiling now.
4) Choose a thread which coordinates with your scarf. I chose black as you can't see it against the deep purple of my scarf.
5)Start to sew running stitch about an inch from the edge of the scarf so that you sew the two sides together. If you don't know how to do running stitch see here: http://www.embroiderersguild.com/stitch/stitches/running.html
6) Sew all the way up to the top. To finish of do 3 stitches (on top of each other) and a knot to hold. The two sides should now be sewn firmly together. Pull gently to check.
7)Turn your snood inside out so that the label is on the inside of the scarf.
8) Et voila! Enjoy your snood.
Pictures to help:
step 1 |
Fold in half |
pick a thread which coordinates with scarf |
sew about an inch from the edge of scarf |
Sew the two sides together |
Turn inside out |
Et Voila! |
Sunday, 9 January 2011
I noticed the trend on snoods recently and I thought I could make my own by using one of my mum's old scarves and sewing the ends together. It'll have to be a wide, long one obviously or it won't work...Cross fingers it does!
Friday, 7 January 2011
First Post of my First Blog...